Episode 22 with CHARLOTTE BLANK: The Money Saving Wonder of a Control Condition

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“When you only focus on the horse race of testing and optimizing over and over and over, and you don’t actually comprehend theory or think critically about what is the best thing to test next — you waste resources by running experiments blindly.”

Charlotte Blank is one of the world’s first “chief behavioral officers.” As CBO of Maritz, Charlotte leads Maritz’s practice of behavioral science and innovation. She forges the connection between academic theory and applied business practice, by elevating the use of field research to advance our understanding of human behavior in the modern marketplace.  Charlotte has led programs in consumer psychology and global branding during her ten years in the media and automotive industries, including various marketing roles for General Motors, and new product innovation for Turner Broadcasting. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology from Emory University, and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Ever-curious about what “makes us work,” Charlotte is a frequent contributor to PeopleScience.com. 

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Nick Hobson