Episode 5 with KRISTEN BERMAN: Designing Products to Make Us Happy, Healthy, & Wealthy

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“I think majority of industries are measuring the wrong things. Measuring logins, engagement, profit, and revenue. We’re forgetting to measure customer well-being, forgetting to measure increases in saving of time or money, general increases in well-being.”

Kristen Berman (@bermster) is co-founder along with Dan Ariely of, Irrational Labs, a behavioral product design company. Irrational Labs helps companies and nonprofits understand and leverage behavioral economics and behavioral science to increase the health, wealth and happiness of their users.  She also co-founded Common Cents Lab, a similar initiative dedicated to improving the financial well-being for low to middle Americans. Kristen’s work has been featured in  The Stanford Innovation Review, TechCrunch, and Scientific American. She was on the founding team for the behavioral economics group at Google, a group that touches over 26 teams across Google, and she hosted one of the top behavioral change conferences globally, StartupOnomics. She co-authored a series of workbooks called Hacking Human Nature for Good: A practical guide to changing behavior, with Dan Ariely. These workbooks are being used at companies like Google, Intuit, Netflix, Fidelity, Lending Club for business strategy and design work.

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Nick Hobson