Episode 21 with RICHARD CHATAWAY: Why All Businesses Should Pay Attention to Behavior

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“Our practice is a collection of behavioral-based disciplines all organized under a framework of science - the testing and verifying and recognizing what you don't know as much as you do know.”

Richard is a highly experienced practitioner, speaker and writer on behavioural science in business  with a focus on communications and technology… , Richard is VP of BVA Nudge Unit UK, the founder of the consultancy Communication Science Group, and a board member of the Association for Business Psychology. He has been featured on BBC radio and in HR Magazine, delivered training at Google and Ofcom, and guest lectured for City University and Cass Business School. Over his career Richard has successfully addressed behavioural challenges as varied as getting people to stop smoking, join the armed forces, drink spirits rather than wine, turn up to school, pay for university tuition, submit their taxes, buy flatpack furniture, and take public transport – to name a few. His strategy for the #XTL campaign (a social media campaign addressing domestic violence) won the Global Festival of Media Campaign of the Year in 2014, and he also led strategic development of the world’s most successful stop smoking mobile app (My QuitBuddy). Previously he co-developed the first training program for behaviour change communications at the COI in 2010, and since then has conducted training for call centre personnel, marketing directors, press officers, media planners, creatives and everything in between. He is a frequent conference speaker, and now works as a consultant for major brands including HSBC and Southeastern Railways. 

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Nick Hobson